The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51709   Message #789429
Posted By: Ringer
23-Sep-02 - 05:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK Only) Anyone going to today's march?
Subject: RE: BS: 9UK Only) Anyone going to todays march?
I maintain that it is fundamentally illiberal to advocate the banning of an activity which we personally may find distasteful. And I also think that, if foxes must be controlled (and I believe they must), it is better that folks should enjoy controlling them than not.

Like Liz the Squeak, I am first-generation-off-the-land; I suspect that if I had been my tennant-farmer father's eldest son I would, too, be a farmer. When I see how hard my older brothers' sons, carrying on the tradition, work, for what little reward (are you aware that the average farm income last year was £7000?), then I am grateful that our roles are not reversed. From talking to them, and more particularly to their wives, I know that hunting is not the sole, nor even the primary, motive for their having been on yesterday's march.

I'm a bit ashamed that I did not join them.