The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51727   Message #789625
Posted By: GUEST,leeneia
23-Sep-02 - 11:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
I've always wanted to experience an earthquake - a mild one, like this. Sorry I missed it.

Isn't the epicenter rather near the Wrekin, the hill created by the Welsh giant who dumped the bag of soil after being bamboozled by the shoemaker? Perhaps that giant is back at work.

Speaking seriously, it would be interesting to know what plate tectonics has to say about the reason for this quake. Is the southwest UK going to have another volcano some day?
A friend of mine once experienced a quake in the Andes (Peru, I think) and she said the noise was like jet airplanes going down the street. Obviously, it was a bigger quake than this one.

Safety rules for earthquakes 1)keep shoes by your bed. Many people panic, run, and get their bare feet cut by broken glass. 2)Don't hang a heavy item such as a picture or mirror over your bed or your favorite armchair 3) The best place to wait it out is under the sturdiest piece of furniture you own, such as a desk or dining room table. (This may be the best thing if you are in a building so big that going outside is not practical.)

Another friend experienced a quake in Columbia, and there everybody's reaction was to run outside. She was terrified.