The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51709   Message #789722
Posted By: Clinton Hammond
23-Sep-02 - 02:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: (UK Only) Anyone going to today's march?
Subject: RE: BS: 9UK Only) Anyone going to todays march?
I'm shocked and stunned and very disappointed in the human race as a whole...

Watching the news last night over dinner... hundreds of thousands of people marching to protect a stupid, barbaric custom... a throwback to, (and so a clinging to) a past of darkness and ignorance...

But in Toronto on the same day only 15 hundred people show up to a walk to raise money for AIDS research...

You tell me which issue is more important...

No... on second though, don't...

It just leaves me wondering when oh when is the stupid human race gonna get its collective heads out of it's collective bums?