The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41556   Message #789807
Posted By: lady penelope
23-Sep-02 - 04:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Should foxhunting be banned?
Subject: RE: BS: Should foxhunting be banned?
Mmm, tricky.

There are some areas where foxes are a nusciance to livestock holders. Clearly they have to do something about what can be a threat to their livelyhood.

On the other hand, I've been told by people who help run hunts, that they quite often end up leaving food out for foxes during the winter to make sure that there's something to chase the following year!

I think I have a problem with scaring the shit out of any living thing and then possibly killing it for fun.

But if killing something is a necessity then it should be done, hopefully, with as little anguish as possible ( I know these things are not a science ).

On the whole, I have way more problems with how we raise our livestock ( poultry especially ) than hunting. I don't see Mr Blair banning battery farming .

I too try to make sure the meat and meat products I buy are organic and free range and no, I don't mind paying more for it and maybe eating less meat products because of it.

I can't say yes or no to fox hunting as I don't own livestock and live in the country, but frankly, I think the whole issue is a masterful stroke of misdirection by the government. If people are busy having rows about this, then they won't be concentrating on the areas Mr Blair and his cronies don't want to answer questions on.

Think on't

TTFN M'Lady P.