The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51727   Message #790263
Posted By: GUEST,Taliesn
24-Sep-02 - 10:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
(quote) Taliesn, one of the main reasons I didn't settle in the lovely little town of San Luis Obispo, California after working there as a locum tenens ("rent-a-doc") in 1990 is that the nearby nuclear power plant, Diablo Canyon, was built directly over a fault line!"

Yeah California is off limits for me for the rest of the 21st century. Been there, saw enough, then bub-bye. It's all going collapse anyway due to their total dependence upon totally manmade water delivery systems ( well documented in the PBS series "Cadillac Desert" from the excellent book by the same name ). When the "Big One" comes you can kiss aleast one of the major Dams on the Colorado River system failing while the elaborate system of aqueducts and canals will be broken beyond repair. Don't think there will be much Fed tax money left to be allocated then. The Southwest will once again become the desert it always was.

(quote) Aloha, Mark

Uuuuhm , not trying to be a smart-arse ,but if the aloha means you've chosen Hawaii as your Rock of Gibralter ,I would humblty suggest you think through how "lively" the Tsunami activity will be once the Pacific Rim gets to shake, rattle,and rolling. Forget that Hawaii is *all* still active volcanic funnel islands. Ever hear of Karakatoa, east of Java?

I know Hawaii is idyllic, but even "one" serpent was enoughto change to speak.