The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41556   Message #790891
Posted By: Troll
25-Sep-02 - 07:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Should foxhunting be banned?
Subject: RE: BS: Should foxhunting be banned?
Absolutely it should be banned.
Then the thousands of people who make their living off the hunt could go on the dole, lose their property and move into council(subsidized) housing.
The developers could then pick up the property for a song and build more council housing to sell to the Government, and, in the process, destroy even more wildlife habitant so that those foxes who had been saved from the hunt could die of starvation or from being run over by developers lorries (trucks).
The horses could be sent to the knackers and turned into dog-food. But not, alas, for the foxhounds. They don't make good pets, you see, so they'll have to be put down (that's the PC way of saying killed) since their owners will no longer be able to afford to feed them.
But that's ok because at least all those hoity-toity rich folk won't be able to gallop around the countryside anymore.
And that's the whole idea isn't it, park everyone in front of a telly and spoon-feed them their opinions.
Ban cross-country walking while you're at it. And fishing. And birdwatching.
Put your minds to it and I'm sure you can all think of other things.
I've gotta go. My show is on.
