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Thread #51790   Message #791559
Posted By: Teribus
26-Sep-02 - 05:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Iraq Dossier
Subject: RE: BS: The Iraq Dossier

"It (Iraq) has a bio-war capability (first given to then by the USA)."


When the conference was held to outlaw the use of such weapons, Soviet Russia said it would not renounce the use of such weapons. America and its fellow NATO allies did renounce the use of those weapons. The approach to deal with Russia's stance was different in various countries. Britain maintained Porton Down as a research facility to keep pace with chemical, bacteriological and biological technology in order to perfect effective counter-measures, the UK's arsenal of those weapons was destroyed. The Americans too continued research with the same objectives as the British, the Americans did not manufacture any more weapons, but elected to keep existing stocks as a deterrent to use by Soviet forces in the event of an attack in Europe. Their reasoning behind this was that it gave the west some form of counter without having to resort to tactical use of nuclear weapons (Horrendous thought, but that was the way the beam was balanced in those days - and it worked).

During the "cold war" era Iraq received massive aid from the Soviet Union, this included assistance to start a nuclear programme and military equipment for the Iraqi army, navy and airforce. This military aid also included chemical and biological weapons. Could the Americans have given the Iraqi's chemical and biological weaponry from their existing stocks? What for? They would have been useless to the Iraqi's - wrong calibres.