The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51847   Message #791682
Posted By: HuwG
26-Sep-02 - 09:17 AM
Thread Name: Ask Dr. Guitar
Subject: RE: BS: Ask Dr. Guitar
Ooops, posted in error to the old thread - note to self, hit the "Update" button every once in a while. However,

Dear Dr. Guitar

Miss Othermossie assures me that she has no hidden agenda, and assures me that I was born to play a bdohran bodranh hodbrain thing.

If I may tender some advice to other correspondents who may be thinking of hanging their guitar on a wall, there is some sort of iron bar running down the neck of the one I have. To avoid making sparks and ruining drill bits when drilling the hole through the neck for a large screw, you should use a tungsten carbide masonry bit for the next quarter inch after you first hit resistance. You can use a chamfer or countersunk bit to tidy up the hole in the front of the neck, although be careful not to foul the strings when drilling with this oversize bit, as these can pull away from the bottom of the guitar, and the little white chess pawn which is down there flies off and you can never find it afterwards, and the string itself flails around and leaves marks on your clothing and anything else. Fortunately, I did this drilling on a work bench, and I wear glasses anyway.

Amos (Quito), who normally does any handiwork I need doing, said that he wouldn't touch this procedure "with a bargepole". Is a bargepole a musical expression, or some accessory I should have purchased with the guitar ?


Robin Banks