The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51916   Message #792727
Posted By: Donuel
27-Sep-02 - 09:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Health care or Homeland security?
Subject: Health care or Homeland security?
I had a random thought along the line of a cost benefit analysis and wondered which would save more lives...Homeland Security or National Health Care?

Which would cost more money? Many arguments can be waged for one or the other, heaven knows a terrorist bombing of one or two nuke plants could clear out much of the east coast. (not that we would ever take the prudent action of taking them off line)

Health is either on the rocks or is driving the consumer on the rocks when they try to be covered for what they pay for.

Here is a take on the subject along artistic lines in verse and pictures I did yesterday.

He remembered
where to go.
He had his umbrella,
keys and wallet.

He remembered exactly
what to order.
He remembers why
he drinks to forget.

He could be full of anger
or wallow in failure.
When he thinks of his little girl
he sinks in regret.

By the third drink
the same old waking nightmare
swirls as he stares in his glass,
her eyes open wide in the casket.

Daddy why can't I pay
for my treatment
after I grow up
and get a job?