The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51917   Message #792736
Posted By: Bobert
27-Sep-02 - 09:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: What the heck are WMD's... Seriously
Subject: What the heck are WMD's... Seriously
Hey, all I hear from folks who want to go to war with Iraq is about WMD's but no one has ever really explained what the heck they are. I've been asking all the hawks in the Catbox but they ignore me. I am perfectly serious in asking for a clarification. Aftrrall, when so many folks around this joint have their minds made up that the US *must* attack Iraq over these things, I think its a fair question to ask, "Just what the heck are they?" I mean, really, does anyone *really* know? This is a serious question for which I can't get one person to answer!!!!!
