The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51825   Message #792886
Posted By: Big Tim
28-Sep-02 - 06:29 AM
Thread Name: Origin: Shall My Soul Pass through Old Ireland
Subject: RE: Help: Shall my Soul pass thru Old Ireland
Here's some more verses on the subject. Written by Brian O'Higgins, 1882-1949. He fought in the Easter Rising. The lyrics are prefaced by O'Higgins' own note: "I was digging out potatoes in a sheltered field within a few hundred yards of Kilmainham Jail...when the news came to me that Terence MacSwiney's long battle for Ireland's honour and Ireland's independence was at an end, that his 73 days of agony were over and that he lay dead in Brixton Prison in London. And there by myself in that quiet field in the cool of an October afternoon I put these words of tribute together and sent them down that same night to the "Irish Independent" in which they appeared next morning along with other tributes that were pouring in to Ireland hour by hour from all over the world".

Shed we no tear for you Terence MacSwiney!
God set the seal of his love on your brow,
Gave you to Ireland - a saint and a soldier,
Who can be fitter to plead for her now?

Joy for the valiant heroic heart of you!
Joy for the soul of you whiter than snow,
Joy for the Cause that has claimed your allegiance,
Your death is its challenge to friend and to foe!

Raise we no "caoine" [keen, mournful cry] for you Terence MacSwiney,
High is our pride in your name and your deed,
Humble our prayer to the great God of Battles,
That we, too, will be strong in this dark hour of need.

Joy for your love and your faith and your courage,
Glowing and glad to the last anguished breath,
Thanks be to God for you Terence MacSwiney,
Thanks be to God for your life and your death!