The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51917   Message #793180
Posted By: Little Hawk
28-Sep-02 - 06:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: What the heck are WMD's... Seriously
Subject: RE: BS: What the heck are WMD's... Seriously
Here are some real bonafide weapons of mass destruction:

Alcoholic beverages, tobacco, cocaine, refined sugar, caffeinated drinks, junk food, soft drinks, and cell phones in the hands of impatient drivers.

They've killed far more people than the A-bomb, but they tend to do it (mostly) in a slower and far less dramatic fashion.

Nevertheless, I think the Joint Chiefs should give serious consideration to launching a devastating first strike on the place most responsible for promoting and harbouring these WMD's...

The USA.


- LH