The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51103   Message #793772
Posted By: katlaughing
29-Sep-02 - 10:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Making Dreams Come True? --Hesperis
Subject: RE: BS: Making Dreams Come True? --Hesperis
Well put, Susan. Some may also put it that what we think we really want, i.e. our dream, may not be, at any given point, that which is for our highest good. There is great power in giving up/releasing and going about something else. That something else sometimes becomes the foundation you speak of, but this isn't obvious to us at the time.

One person I know likened it to planting seeds. If the soil was fertile, they would keep up with the tending, even if it needed a bit of rough hoeing once in awhile, etc. If, no matter what they did, nothing seemed to work, they'd move on to a new patch, so to speak.

I don't believe there is any one specific route to a dream, the world is infinite. I do believe it is important not to try to force anything and to give thanks for "this (whatever we are trying to achieve/manifest) or something better for the highest good of all concerned." FWIW

I didn't really explain the subconscious/computer thing very well. What I meant was our subconscious cannot tell the difference between what is good for us and what may be harmful. We feed it data as we might a computer and it sets to work at manifesting whatever we've fed it. It is up to us to focus and imput as much positive as possible, while still recognising the things which may seem wrong and working on improving them as well as we are able.
