The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51973   Message #793794
Posted By: DonMeixner
29-Sep-02 - 11:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Discussion 1: Bush is un-American
Subject: RE: BS: Discussion 1: Bush is un-American
This tough for me. I am probably like most Americans in my political views. Pretty down the middle in most things.

I was anti-war during Viet Nam. I support freedom of choice and separation of Church and State. I strongly agree with my right to bear arms. And my right as an American to assemble and speak my unpopular mind anytime I choose.

Now I sit back in amazed fascination as I hear the Peace freaks from the 60's saying we have to blow up the Evil Arab Terrorists and Pat Buchannan saying we have no business in the desert, stay home.

I am afraid of Bush. I think he is a windbag in someones pocket. I think he is still unsure where most of Asia is located. And I think he can't speak for himself without he becomes tongue tied. I do think he is just bright enough to be a good puppet and do what ever his string man tells him to do and say.

Who is the man (men) with the strings? My guess is it is George Herbert Bush and more importantly John Ashcroft. Look at the Patriot Act. The congress and senate as my representitives are being asked to sign away my promised rights as stated in the constitution. Fear of the terrorists is their justification and won't I give up some rights so the government can serve me better.

Ashcroft fascinates me. How was he placed in a high position in government? Especially when people in his home state found it wiser to reelect a deadman than vote Ashcroft into office. The locals must know something us out of towners don't.

At any rate pretty soon I'll be sitting in my living room when the house comes under attack. But who will I be shooting with my black powder 1884 45-70 Trapdoor Springfield. The Al Quida guy in the back yard or the guy in sunglasses across the street watch me through the strap door in the business section of his New York Times?

Is Bush un American? Possibly not, but his advisors and he certainly need a civics lesson on what a government of, for, and by the people really means.
