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Thread #51973   Message #794003
Posted By: Bobert
30-Sep-02 - 11:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Discussion 1: Bush is un-American
Subject: RE: BS: Discussion 1: Bush is un-American
troll: There have also been reports in the Washington Post within the last week or so of "sources within the administration" stating that profits from the sales of Iraq's oil could be used to reimburse the US for the costs of the War, which some estimate at as much as $200B!

Now, one would think, that if the US could justifyt making the Iraqi people pay for the US coming over and killing them, then it's not too far a stretch, to see an oilman President figure out a way for his buddies to continue getting their hands on the booty.

After all, to the victors go the spoils.

Now, there is one more scenerio that has not been discussed too much here and that is, "*What if* the US looses the war? This is a very interesting question.

Sure, The US could have used nuclear weapons in Vietnam and paved it but it lost because the Vietnamese people dug in and fought a gurilla war. What if the Iraqi's do the same? Sure, they can be beaten because of the supply issues but at what cost to the image of the US? If they dig in there are only two scenerios and neither presents the US with a victory any more than nuking Vietnam would have been a victory.

Scenerio 1: The US has to figth block by block against an enemy that looks pretty much like everyone else. In this case, the US is going to rack up a lot of casualties and collaterial damage that will quickly make it out to look as if the war was not well thought out.

Scenerio 2: The US can take everyhting In Iraq and force most of the Iraqi's into Bagdad and other populotion centers and starve them out. Now given Saddam's poor track record on his treatment of his own folks, guess who will be getting the bulk of the food and medical attention? His staff and his army. So the reality is that this approach will make the US look real, real bad.

No victory in either of these likable scenerios.

You know, the more one looks at this situation the more hopeless it looks since Bush so desperately wants his war and his folks want this war and it looks so much like he's gonna have his war come Hell of high water. He's got a lot of folks afraid to even speak up or to dare tell a pollster they are against the war. Man, when the American people are browbeat into submission at such a critical time it does not bode well for the future of democracy. It is critical that folks take a stand today because evry day you remain silent is one more day the Bush and Co. think you're in total agreement with their regime.

There can be no winner if the US attacks Iraq.

Peace thru resistence
