The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51973   Message #794126
Posted By: Bobert
30-Sep-02 - 02:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Discussion 1: Bush is un-American
Subject: RE: BS: Discussion 1: Bush is un-American
Danged, what's really wrong with an "Emergency Middle East Summit", some good PR work, and a first step toward working on not only probelms related to Iraq, Suaid Arabia from werest the terrorists came from and the Isreali/ Plaestinian situation. Just make sure everyone gets an invite and they be offered some level of protection.

Really, what's wrong with the concept? Nothing! Except it gets in the way of the US unilaterially declaring itself the world's policeman rather that the world's peacemakers.

Oh, I can hear the drum beaters now. "We gave Saddam 12 years to do this and that...blah, blah, blah." Or "Bobert's just a dreamer, blah, blah, blah." Or amybe just "I won't work because blah, blah, blah."

We'll what we're doing now certainly ain't workin' and do you have to see the body bags comin' home, and suicide bombers coming to a theater near you, before getting beyond thinking inside the box for solving probelms which do take the courage to fundamentally change the way earthings solve problems.
