The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51920 Message #794801
Posted By: Bullfrog Jones
01-Oct-02 - 11:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Edwina's diary
Subject: RE: BS: Edwina's diary
One day, a few years ago, my then-wife, Sue, had been working all day in the garden (without any gloves on), before realizing she needed to get round to the school sharpish to pick the kids up. No time to wash her hands. Who should be hanging around the school gates but Eggwina, on the stump (oo-er) and pressing the flesh (oo-er again). Sue approaches, all unsuspecting, to find this strange woman desperate to shake her hand. It's difficult to imagine who was the more horrified -- Sue when she realized it was Eggwina, or Eggwina when she saw the state of the hand that she was about to envelop in her own dainty paw!