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Thread #51973   Message #795057
Posted By: NicoleC
01-Oct-02 - 05:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Discussion 1: Bush is un-American
Subject: RE: BS: Discussion 1: Bush is un-American
No, Doug, because the issue is far too complex to jot down in a paragraph or two. if you want to know, you're gonna have to go look for it. And you'll have to dig, because the connections are all over the place in the Bush family, and there's not much to solidly connect the dots. One wonders how so many shady characters end up doing business with the younger Bushes, though.

But, I'll help a little bit.

Here's a few items:
According to SEC records, on four separate occasions President George W. Bush disregarded federal statutes by failing to file insider stock trade reports on a timely basis, back-dating one trade by some four months. (Harken Energy SEC Abstract Filing, transaction date: 6-22-1990; Oil stock sale made 41 days prior to Iraq's attack on Kuwait -- $848,560 profit, filing date: 3-4-1991- 8 1/2 months late and reported to the SEC two days after Gulf War was over on 3-2-1991; Harken Energy SEC Abstract Filing, transaction date: 6-16-89, filing date: 10-23-1989 -- 17 weeks late.)

Also look for why Bahrain would stake it's oil future on Harken Energy, when Harken had absolutely no experience with offshore drilling. Why did the previous Bush adminsitration immediately after that allow Kuwait and Bahrain to spend $19.6 million to hire Hill & Knowleton to lobby Congress for war against Iraq? Might it have something to do with a very lucrative military base deal announced shortly thereafter?

Cheney. Halliburton.

Then there's the Carlyle Group. It's international holdings are predominantly in the Near East and Persian Gulf. You'll have to look up the list of primary stockholders and executives, and their ties to both Bush administrations.

This is a complex one: Remember, "If you do business with terrorists, if you support or succor them, you will not do business with the United States."? Hmmm... does that include Arbusto Energy? Khalid bin Mahfouz is one of Osama's biggest financiers -- he's also been one of W's biggest investors. You'll enjoy following this money trail, because Clinton is mixed up in it, too. Bill White and James Bath are good names to look for, too, as well as Salem bin Laden.

Okay, I gotta go back to work now. After you've had fun with those, I'm give you some more.