The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51973   Message #795198
Posted By: DougR
01-Oct-02 - 10:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Discussion 1: Bush is un-American
Subject: RE: BS: Discussion 1: Bush is un-American
Don: I would guess that 90% (just a guess mind you)of the stuff posted here is opinion. It probably is based on something the writer has read or heard. Reading or hearing something does not necessarily constitute fact! It may well be based on someone else's opinion~

Nicole fails to point out that the Harkins charges were fully investigated by the SEC, and Bush was cleared of any wrong doing. Questionable in some people's eyes, but not illegal. Obviously she disagrees with the NEC, which is her right.

When one makes charges such as those that Nicole has made, I don't believe the onus for supporting the "facts" presented is vested in the reader. These are serious charges, and the writer should provide non-partisan sources for the information written. That's my feeling anyway.

The two examples she has given are well known, have been investigated by the appropriate government agencies, and neither Bush or Cheney has received even a slap on the wrist. These are the serious "crimes" they both have committed?

I realize that Bush and Cheney naysayers can say, "Well, certainly you don't expect government agencies to discipline the president and vice-president of the United States, but I for one, would!

Facts, not supposition, not innuendo, that's what I would like to have. It is the frustration of seeing chages such as those Nicole has made without suppling PROOF that causes me at times to reply "horse pucky," or "left-wing rhetoric" to some posts. You don't like it? That's your perogotative.
