The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52051   Message #795317
Posted By: The DeanMeister
02-Oct-02 - 04:36 AM
Thread Name: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
Subject: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
Ok, dudes, chaps and chapesses (is that ok, Widder?), time for new session to commence.

This Sunday is the first one in October, and will be the 49th first sunday session. Hey, this means we gonna be 50 in November!!!! I reckon that deserves a party? Perhaps jOhn9 can organise curry all round? hehehe.

This Sunday's inaugural Sun Inn session will alejidly be marked by a fantastic fly-past of the purple helmets against the backdrop of the Minster. Got your pyrotechnics sorted yet, Oakley and Skipjack?

On a serious note, lets make this Sunday a good one, full attendance is required, please, to kick off the move to new location. Perhaps we can take a photo of a packed out Pub and put it on Nellies notice board? I hope you can all make it. 2pm till 6pm. Those of good stamina may even stay to be driveled at by the equine pugilists in the evening. Perhaps Judy The Other Horse can join in...? Or are they too timid to show their faces.......