The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52030   Message #795352
Posted By: Áine
02-Oct-02 - 06:18 AM
Thread Name: Song Challenge! - Part 90
Subject: RE: SONG CHALLENGE! - Part 90
Hi Clifton53!! Great to see you in these parts ;-) I see that I have another Silver B.L.O.B. to sling out there:

To Clifton53 for this fit of feathered frenzy:

Helga saw the Emu Man one dark friday night,
His long neck and eyes gave her one goodly fright,
He gaped into her window as she washed up her hands,
She felt mortal fear ripplin' up right through her glands,
" Good Lord" she cried in horror as she stood by the sink,
"I ain't smokin' nothin' funny and I ain't had a drink",
" I know that I saw someone peepin' right in my house"
She called the cops in quickly, " Let them deal with this louse",

('mortal fear ripplin' up right through her glands')??? Whew, Clifton, you're getting in the Halloween spirit early, aren't ya? *BG* Love it!

-- Áine