The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52109   Message #796309
Posted By: MMario
03-Oct-02 - 03:05 PM
Thread Name: The Great Tune Hunt Permathread
The current "missing tune" list for the Apr '02 version of the Digital Tradition stands at approximately 2956 tunes left to post. I say approximately because despite going through the list several times I am sure I have missed marking some that may already be found - or for which no known tune exists - (traditional or not!)

Anyone who wants to check the list against old postings feel free!

All "found" tunes that I know of from the previous list (Oct '99) were posted in this series of threads.

Both the current list of "missing" tunes and the current list of "found" tunes are available from me via e-mail.

tunefiles may be sent to me for posting.

Where possible it is an enormous help if the lyrics can be set against the tune before submission; when one doesn't know the tune it can be very difficult.

You don't *have* to submit tunes through me - but it does help keep track of them if you do so. This thread is for "logging" the submission of tunes from the missing list.
If you find tunes on the missing list that are already posted - you can put a notice here. If you send tunes that are missing to Dick Greenhaus or Joe Offer - you can put a notice here. If you send them through me I'll post notice if you haven't already.
I'm sure I've forgotten to say about umpty things - no doubt someone will be along shortly to add, correct, and elucidate.

MMario - hewhospendsalotoftimesaying"gotatuneforthat?"

Please Note! This is merely the visible tip of a community effort that encompasses many people.

This is a PermaThread™, maintained by MMario. Please be aware that all messages in this thread are subject to deletion and editing.