The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17941   Message #796340
Posted By: Joe Offer
03-Oct-02 - 03:42 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Into the Air (Junior Birdmen)
Subject: ADD Version: Into the Air/Spirit of the Air Corps
I found a version of the original "Into the Air" that expands on what we have in the Digital Tradition. MMario sent me an e-mail and said he thinks the tune is the Air Force Hymn (Into the Wild Blue Yonder), but I can't agree with that. It just doesn't scan - does it?
The Online Digital Tradition has a link to a tune, but it doesn't work.
Can anybody find the tune and e-mail it to me?
-Joe Offer-

Spirit of the Air Corps

Into the air, Army Air Corps,
Give 'er the gun, Pilots true,
Into the air, Army Air Corps,
Hold your nose up in the blue.
And when you hear our engines singing,
And our steel props start to whine,
You can bet the Army Air Corps
Is along the firing line.

We have our hands on the throttles
As we all wait for the nod,
And we will meet them half way, men,
We will drive them to the sod.
And then when our last flight is over,
And we meet our Flying Boss,
You can bet the air is clear, men,
From Orion to the Cross.


For comparison, here's the version in the Digital Tradition: (click)


Into the air, U.S. Air Force*
Into the air, pilots true
Into the air, U.S. Air Force
Keep your nose up in the blue;
And when you hear the engines roaring
And the steel props start to whine
Then you can bet the U. S. Air Force
ls on lhe fighting line!

*originally Army Air Corps (until 1942 or 1943, I think) RG

Note: this is the seldom-encountered original. For better-known

@war @airplane
filename[ INTOAIR

PLEASE NOTE: Because of the volunteer nature of The Digital Tradition, it is difficult to ensure proper attribution and copyright information for every song included. Please assume that any song which lists a composer is copyrighted ©. You MUST aquire proper license before using these songs for ANY commercial purpose. If you have any additional information or corrections to the credit or copyright information included, please e-mail those additions or corrections to us (along with the song title as indexed) so that we can update the database as soon as possible. Thank You.