The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49818   Message #796517
Posted By: Genie
03-Oct-02 - 09:32 PM
Thread Name: Getting nursing home gigs
Subject: RE: Getting nursing home gigs
Yeah, Sooz, there's a network for one community or another. What would be nice is similar networks within each geographic area. Rita, Marion, Jerry, Mike and I can't very easily fill in for each other or serve as referral sources, since we're so far apart.

Also, just as with the Musicians' Union, there are a lot of performers who aren't connected with whatever networks exist.

I have asked some ADs if I could look thru their card file, and I have gotten some leads that way, but other ADs are reluctant to give out phone numbers without permission. (I can understand that.)

If there is an AD association in your area, they could probably help get the performers networked, too.
