The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51973   Message #796638
Posted By: DougR
04-Oct-02 - 03:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Discussion 1: Bush is un-American
Subject: RE: BS: Discussion 1: Bush is un-American
Well, Peg, truth is in the eye of the beholder, I think. I don't believe most conservative thinkers would consider either CNN, The Washington Post, or the sources Nicole relied on to support her argument as conservative in any way. Liberals may consider them so, but not conservatives.

I don't want to pick on Nicole. I like her, though I have never met her. But charges made about GWB on this forum, in my opinion, are outrageous. Note that I said, in my opinion! The charges made by many posters are unsupportable by facts. They can be supported by sources opposed to him. No doubt about that.

I have been accused of being unfair to Nicloe. Perhaps I have. But can anyone who has pointed the finger at me, refer me to a single article in those same sources she used to support her argument, that supports the president on any single issue? If you can, I will apologize to Nicole, and to all Mudcatters.

The general feeling on the Mudcat seems to be that one can level any charge against GWB or any Republican for that matter, point to a source that is anti-GWB and Republicans, and everyone is supposed to say, "Hey, that must be right!" It says so in print! I don't subscribe to that theory. Were I to use the same arguments to criticize the Democratic leadership citing conservative publications (there are some)I'm sure my liberal friends would be as unaccepting of the evidence as I am about Nicole's sources.

I replied to your post, Peg, because I respect you, and your views. I had already posted a 30 at the end of my last message, and as a teacher of Journalism, you know what that means. I will still read messages posted to this thread, but this time it is really 30 for me.
