The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51973   Message #796891
Posted By: NicoleC
04-Oct-02 - 12:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Discussion 1: Bush is un-American
Subject: RE: BS: Discussion 1: Bush is un-American
Well, I don't think I need an apology, Doug -- I was just making a point. I don't usually post links to newspaper as "proof," because eveeryone will disagree about the politics of a particular newspaper.

The point was, though, that you accuse others of using rhetoric, while doing the same thing yourself. When offered the opportunity and the assistance to look at the proof from sources you would consider okay, you didn't.

Your deefense seems to be certered around the idea that he's President, so he must be a good guy. Hogwash. Popularity contests do not ensure that the best contestant win.

The only charge I would level at Bush is that he's a hypocrite and a liar. He talks about corporate responsibility & ethics, but his own record is awfully dirty in that department -- much of it barely on the side of the law, but some of it not.   When it come to his episode of insider trading, he's either guilty or a complete blithering idiot -- take your pick.

He talks a big military game, but chose to go AWOL for a year while serving with the national guard.

He talks a lot about "Christian values," but fails to behave in a way that emphasizes the teachings of Christ.

He's been caught in so many lies, I can't believe anything that comes out of his mouth. He lied about his alcoholism, lied about his history with CHIP, lied about his military record. He lied about his relationship with Kenneth Lay. He said he watched the first plane hit the Twin Towers live on TV -- when there was no such broadcast on any TV station. He lied first about having foreknowledge of the fact Harken Energy would report a loss, or he wouldn't have sold his stock. When shown he DID know, he decided to say the paperwork had been lost. 4 times. Then he said the SEC has exonerated him, when it hadn't ever done so.

The list goes on and on. Yet we're supposed to believe him when he says, "I have proof, trust me?"

Not a chance. He's either a deliberate and prolific liar, or too stupid to remember events in his own life.