The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11000   Message #79706
Posted By: Rick Fielding
19-May-99 - 12:18 AM
Thread Name: Religious (or otherwise) Doorknockers. (BS)
Subject: RE: Religious (or otherwise) Doorknockers. (BS)
Joe. Heather would open the door in a flash if she saw it was you out there. Me too actually. Don't think I've ever not answered or told someone to go away through the screen. Just too damn curious, I guess. It's currently election time around here and the candidates are out in full force. We listen to 'em, but we DO ask questions, and we let them know that we keep up with the issues. That usually changes their approach from auto-pilot to actually interesting. Funny thing is the moment you let them know that you intend to make your vote "count" they become far more candid. A couple of days ago Heather had several friends over when the "Green" Party candidate knocked. I answered and invited her in. She talked, answered questions and it felt like a mini-town meeting. She sure won't win, but she picked up six votes!

Art, thanks for responding. Sorry, I guess I missed the point entirely vis. the "condom thread"- I can be as thick as a brick at times. Thought it was just a "wicked" way of getting a great discussion going, with a bit of irony in regards to the "how old?" and "where does a ....?" etc threads. Well if you "couldn't beat 'em, so you joined em', you've done a hell of a job, and you fooled me. Don't know about "talk radio" though. I used to listen to "Rush" for my "dark side entertainment" and it sure sounded one-sided to me - unlike mudcat. Carol sounds like a gem. Tell her that the JWs got less flack than the "Corries" around these parts.