The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52135   Message #797197
Posted By: Mark Cohen
04-Oct-02 - 11:13 PM
Thread Name: Yiddish word for silver
Subject: RE: Yiddish word for silver
My paternal grandmother's maiden name was Rose Fine. Her family name in the town of Podolya (in Ukraine) was Feinzilber, which means "fine silver". When they came to the US, some family members changed their name to Silver, some to Fein, and some to Fine.

And, in case you all were wondering, her husband's (my grandfather's) name in Kiev was Kolchevni, changed to Cohen when he came to Philadelphia. (Not, as the myth goes, by an Ellis Island official who couldn't spell Kolchevni. He changed it himself, as was the custom among many immigrants, and he picked Cohen because it was a Jewish name that was also acceptably "American".)

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