The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10854   Message #79724
Posted By:
19-May-99 - 01:22 AM
Thread Name: watcha'say let's have our own festival
Subject: RE: watcha'say let's have our own festival

I'm not sure Mudcat is really organized to the point of being able to officially sanction anything. Sure, Max owns the website and provides the software. But a whole community keeps it going. It's rather complex in its structure--perhaps even anarchic.

I doubt that having an event at the Jersey Shore would seriously drain off a lot of people from attending something out near Yellowstone National Park. There are thousands of miles between the two venues. And while one or two people might actually travel a VERY long distance for a special event, most of us will choose to make music with our nearby neighbors and other mudcatters. A chance to make music in New Jersey sounds like a wonderful weekend excursion for me (from Maryland) because it's only a couple of hours of driving (well, 3 hours actually, but who's counting?). Because of proximity, it's an easy opportunity to make music together, and therefore I might take you up on it. On the other hand, a chance to travel to Montana is a wonderful idea, and might engender many fantasies, but ultimately is probably a pipe dream, since it involves a great deal of expense and effort to get there from the East Coast.

So let your events happen informally, and consider repeating frequently and regularly. If 5 or 10 people drop by once a month to make music with you, you'll probably have a lot more hours of fun than if 100 people show up once a year.

And the suggestion for Mudcatters to join in at the Folklore Society of Greater Washington Getaway in October is an informal and logical extension of what's happening anyway--even without publicizing here on Mudcat, we'd have close to a dozen Mudcatters show up anyway. The rest of y'all might just as well drop by.

--Charlie Baum