The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52155   Message #797419
Posted By: Rick Fielding
05-Oct-02 - 11:55 AM
Thread Name: The fiddle and the blues?
Subject: RE: The fiddle and the blues?
I luvvvvv blues fiddle and all those wonderful old records featuring it!

.....But.....if you want to hear the greatest blues fiddler of all (from a 'chops' point of view) listen to JOE VENUTI!

Some of his recordings from the twenties with Eddie Lang, defy description. Yup, he was a white guy AND he started out as a classical violinist, but believe me this guy EARNED the right to play the blues.....he had one hell of an interesting life.....including, playing the most (in) famous practical joke in music history!

