The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11000   Message #79744
Posted By: Steve Parkes
19-May-99 - 03:32 AM
Thread Name: Religious (or otherwise) Doorknockers. (BS)
Subject: RE: Religious (or otherwise) Doorknockers. (BS)
My grandfather had a very unconventional way of handling religious doorknockers: he'd invite them in and talk with them. Granddad was very religious - he was a Methodist - and could discuss, dispute or agree, as apropriate. He thought that with something as important as knowing God, you had a duty to show the rest of the world what t meant, by your own example at least. Knowing the bible inside out helped too. I think the knockers often went away having learned something!

Not that he was a straight-laced strict bible-thumper: he was great fun, and didn't subscribe to the notion that suffering is good for you; quite the opposite. We all inherited his sense of humour (excruciating puns a speciality) and some of us got his artistic skill, while others of us have to make do with the musical ability.

Ask me about the rest of the family sometime!
