The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40412   Message #798143
Posted By: robinia
07-Oct-02 - 04:51 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Glasgow/Scottish drinking songs
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Glasgow/Scottish drinking songs
"Sari heid" (as pub by the name of the Saracen's Head is locally pronounced) is part of the chorus to Adam McNaughtan's "THE DEAR GREEN PLACE" (which is what the city's name means in Gallic). McNaughtan has written tons of songs, and this is one I've been meaning to learn for ages, if I could only figure out all the words on my tape (Adam McNaughtan: Last Stand at Mount Florida, and don't ask me what THAT means). Any way, the chorus starts out, "Oh the Glasgow I belong to, it's a dear green place; it's the capital of culture, it's a damn disgrace" and goes on to a listing of places and pubs (ending with "the Sari heid"). A catchy tune, and funny words (for his take on city planners, listen to "The Green Belongs to Glasgow's Folk" on the the same tape or CD)