The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11000   Message #79843
Posted By: Penny S.
19-May-99 - 12:43 PM
Thread Name: Religious (or otherwise) Doorknockers. (BS)
Subject: RE: Religious (or otherwise) Doorknockers. (BS)
Kb, I sympathise. I was once, while minding my own business in a public street, herded by two Alsatians (German Shepherds), hackles up, growling, very scary. It was just when there had been a few stories of deaths from savaging, too. I waited a few moments for the owner - I thought they were security from a building site. No owner. I waited a bit longer (ages!). I considered climbing a nearby brick gate post. I considered staring at them, but there were two of them, one each side. I considered grabbing the collars. No collars. I remembered what Odysseus did in the Odyssey, and sitting down. It seemed appropriate psychology, but I wasn't sure (it might have been Ithacan training), and felt pretty certain that the dogs didn't read Greek. No-one passed. (In a busy town). I decided that I should not radiate fear and adrenaline, thought about "perfect love casteth out fear", sent up a quick prayer, and started to walk on the way I had been going in a non-threatening manner, very slowly. The owner appeared and called them off. It's an odd thing, but when a teeny-tiny Yorkshire terrier yaps across the street, the owner makes profuse apologies. This one deliberately didn't see me. So I changed my destination to the police station. They must have had a word, as the dogs were not seen on the loose again.