The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52215   Message #798538
Posted By: Bobert
07-Oct-02 - 08:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Terrorists Declare Victory in D.C....
Subject: BS: Terrorists Declare Victory in D.C....
Well, danged, if this ain't a heck of a sitiation. Here in the Wsahington, D.C. area we got a nut with a gun who has shot about 8 or 9 folks in the last 4 days and killed 5. I mean, nothin' like the guy a few years back who killed so many in the McDonald's or the guy on the tower in Austin, Texas but a certified nut non the less...

Problem is that between Bush trying to get everyone terrorized of Saddam and what has now been about 10 hours of endless coverage of the gun nut by the media, now we have schools being cancelled and folks be warned to stay off the streets and hide under their beds.

My prediction is if the gun nut shoots just one more person that he will surpass the amount of media coverage that was Given to the assasination of John Kennedy. Hey, he's allready pushed Bobby down one positon.

And some of you all wonder why this ol' hillbilly is so sick and tired of a media that wants nothin' more than a terrorized citizenry.

Beam me up...
