The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51847   Message #798684
Posted By: Kaleea
08-Oct-02 - 01:28 AM
Thread Name: Ask Dr. Guitar
Subject: RE: BS: Ask Dr. Guitar
Dear Dr. Guitar. Recently af friend of mine decided to take up the guitar, and bought one for about $400. She complained that it hurt her fingers to play it, therefore she asked me to go along with her to look at another guitar which had a teeny weeny itsy bitsy neck & gigantic price tag. I advised her that foo-foo sissie students students such as herself often complain of their fingers hurting too much. Since she was in the decision dillemma mode, I advised her to wait at least a couple of days before trading her new Sigma guitar in for a beat up 1960 Gibson student model for which they are asking @ $500. She has large fingers for a woman, and long fingernails which she refuses to cut off are making it difficult for her to play, and therefore her fingers & nails touch the string next to the one which she attempts to depress. Now for the quesion: Since she has been relunctant to take time away from her other instrument, she keeps putting off guitar lessons & says she won't play anyway cause it's too hard. I have much smaller fingers & no nails cause I cut em down--therefore I can play a teeny weeny neck easily.
    This is why I was thinking that I would put all my vast knowledge of playing guitar--or atleast some of it onto casette tapes & let her listen to "Learn to play guitar while you sleep" tapes?!! She is afraid it will take only about 10 minutes to build up her fingers & hand & wrist, & so far, I have not corrected her. Should I offer her guitar lessons agagin, or let her wake up & smell the mcmuffins?
Or should I depend upon upon learn-while-you sleep-tapes to get her playing?
    Confused in the Mid-West USA