The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52320   Message #800408
Posted By: Alice
10-Oct-02 - 12:07 PM
Thread Name: 'wondering Alice' is not me
Subject: 'wondering Alice' is not me
I just clicked into a thread in which a "GUEST Wondering Alice" posted a message leading to people referring to what "Alice" wrote. I just want to make it clear that GUEST Wondering Alice is not me.

I know that the ability for GUEST posters has opened the door for confusion regarding who is writing what on the Mudcat. I think it is important to maintain cookie-less guest access, even though it leads to confusion.   Since the thread disappeared before I could post to it, my only recourse in setting the record straight was to start this thread.

Is there some way we can have a method for people to clear up confusion over Guests posting using member names? I know this has probably been hashed over before, but maybe it needs to be resovled. I don't know if a permathread for discussing postings by imposters or similar named guests is the solution.
