The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52321   Message #800439
Posted By: wysiwyg
10-Oct-02 - 12:55 PM
Thread Name: DT Alphabet
Subject: RE: DT Alphabet
As I understand it, the DT does not actually function via a table of contents alphabetically. The titles are searched up fresh each time you go.

Bill, with all due respect, who the heck cares? Find any other database that big, and you will find little oddities according to how it was constructed-- will "THE" always appear in alpha order if it's the first word of the title, is it it removed entirely? How about numbers-- listed separately or in the aplpha order for the word they represent? How about St.? By itself, or with Saint? or with Street?How aboout O and Oh? Did they standardize it or are they any old which way? What about O, Mary and O Mary? Together or strewn about? Then there's I'll and Ill. Together or not?

You look around at a resource, and you learn how to use it, if you want to use it. Or in spirituals, what about De Massa, will it be there or under The Massa. You use it best you can, good grief.

How do you manage with print indexes????? Is life such a challenge?
