The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52352   Message #801200
Posted By: GUEST,leeneia
11-Oct-02 - 01:08 PM
Thread Name: early slang help
Subject: RE: early slang help
this is all wonderfully creative, that's for sure. I like Amos' supposition best. I didn't realize that the front of the ship was for the common sailors.

adavis: the words are Italian, and the phrase is guigner "alla proda." Sorry, no rostrum. "Proda" might be "prow."

By the way, a friend was telling me that in past centuries, all musical innovation was greeted with disapproval by somebody. For example, when they discovered B-flat, it was said that God hadn't invented this note, so it was immoral to play it.

The English started playing the interval of the third in the 1200's, I've been told, and it greeted with suspicion, if not dismay. I understand that the third was the 13th's century's answer to hot jazz. Now thirds are regarded as sweet, if not sissy. (Think the traditional harmony for Silent Night.)