The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50235   Message #802017
Posted By: Amos
12-Oct-02 - 10:20 PM
Thread Name: MUDCAT CD VIII: Azure Morning Tunes!!
Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD VIII: Azure Morning Tunes!!
Sorry if I gave a false impression about a "CD" -- I meant the medium, not a "full CD of songs". However, my imnpression is that Khandu can do and is definitely worth waiting for.

As far as I know we are now in the "Sort and normalize" phase of the initial work plan I laid out so long ago. Although we are well behind schedule, we are definitely still within the budget -- meaning volunteer hours and postage only to date, plus the costs of a lot of disks and tapes distributed across all those who sent stuff. For which, my eternal gratitude!

I should be able to provide an initial breakout list soon for the CDs I am proposing. Meanwhile Mudcat Management is reviewing options on how to manage the logistics of production, payment and delivery. So we should hear more on that.

Right now it is looking like a series of four CDs, estimating about 80 minutes playtime per CD. WOW!! What a great concatenation of fine singing that is!! By the time you've heard it all once you'll have forgotten what the first cuts sounded like. And of course, as you get older, you forget more, faster. So in effect this one series is a lifetime supply of good music!!! How about that!! Wodda boggin!!

Pity we don't all have DVD players!! But we are on track and moving ahead as fast as discretionary time will allow.

So don't despair!! They SHALL be there!!

Warm regards,