The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52452   Message #803081
Posted By: katlaughing
14-Oct-02 - 06:34 PM
Thread Name: Origins: The story behind the song
Subject: RE: Origins: The story behind the song
If you go to the small box up on the top right, called Quick Links, then use the drop down menu to choose Song Origins, and click Go, you may find the ones you are looking for there. You can also enter the name or some lyrics in the SuperSearch box and see what threads of discussion might come up. Chances are they've been discussed here.

Failing that, start a thread for each one, asking for info. We've got some incredible scholars on here with inexhaustable supplies of reference material.:-)

Hope this helps. If you have any trouble, check out the MudChat (in quick Links) and see is in there who can help, or just post here, again.

Welcome to the Mudcat,


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