The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52453   Message #803229
Posted By: The Pooka
14-Oct-02 - 10:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Possible Sniper Being Questioned
Subject: RE: BS: Possible Sniper Being Questioned
Shit. Dammit. / Yknow the PO-lice really have a horrendous task here. My God, think of what it entails. / All honor to the Cops, Ms. Sorcha. Thank the Lord for 'em. Let us all remember that they are human, too. No miracles. / These DC-area "Its", the killers, are taking successful advantage of every single difficulty faced by law enforcement. / Dammit, I still say it *may* be al Qaeda. Or recruited affiliates. That need not mean non-Caucasians, either, nor "foreigners", nor Muslims. This slaughter is *achieving the terrorist goal*. Aaaah! Let us Pray.