The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52464   Message #803322
Posted By: masato sakurai
15-Oct-02 - 02:33 AM
Thread Name: Origin: Jim Along Josey / Jim Along Josie
Subject: Lyr Add: JIM ALONG JOSEY (Edward Harper)
From Public Domain Music (this site has closed):

Words [and music?] by Edward Harper

New York: Firth and Hall
[Source: pages 118-119 of
"Minstrel Songs, Old and New" (1883)]

I'se from Lucianna as you all know,
Dar whar Jim along Josey's all de go,
Dem niggars all rise when de bell does ring,
And dis is de song dat dey sing.

Hey get along, get along Josey,
Hey get along, Jim along Joe!

Oh! likewise a new pair tight-knee'd trousaloons,
Den I walks up and down broadway wid my Suzanna,
And de white folks will take me to be Santa Anna.


My sister Rose de oder night did dream,
Dat she was floating up and down de stream,
And when she woke she began to cry,
And de white cat picked out de black cat's eye.


Now way down South not very far off,
A Bullfrog died wid de hooping cough,
And de oder side of Mississippi as you must know,
Dar's where I was christen'd Jim along Joe.


The New York niggers tink dey're fine,
Because dey drink de genuine,
De Southern niggers dey lib on mush,
And when dey laugh dey say Oh Hush.


I'm de nigger that don't mind my troubles,
Because dey are nothing more dan bubbles,
De ambition that dis nigger feels
Is showing de science of his heels.

