The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52464   Message #803595
Posted By: masato sakurai
15-Oct-02 - 11:35 AM
Thread Name: Origin: Jim Along Josey / Jim Along Josie
Subject: RE: Jim Along Josie: lyrics and origin
From "The Journal of an African Cruiser," by An Officer of the U.S. Navy, in The United States Democratic review, Volume 16, Issue 83 (J.& H.G. Langley, etc., May 1845, p. 483) [N.B. the date]:

"August 2, 1843.--Liberia.--We were visited by Governor Roberts, Dr. Day, and General Lewis, the latter being Colonel Secretary, and military chief of the Settlement. They looked well, and welcomed me back to Liberia with the cordiality of old friendship. The Governor was received by the Commodore, Captain and officers, and saluted with eleven guns. He and his suite dined in the cabin, and some of the officers of the Porpoise in the ward-room. In the evening, we brought out all our forces for the amusement of our distinguished guests. First, the negro band sang 'Old Dan Tucker,' 'Jim along Josey,' and other ditties of the same class, accompanied by violin and tambourine. Then Othello played monkey, and gave a series of recitations. [...]" (p. 483)

A parody of "Jim Along Josey," from The Living age ... (Volume 9, Issue 110) (New York etc.: The Living age co. inc. etc., June 20, 1846, p. 627).
