The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52438   Message #804343
Posted By: Ron Olesko
16-Oct-02 - 09:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: World Series
Subject: RE: BS: World Series
Don't get hung up on the name "World" series. It isn't meant to be a sign of superiority or anything, it is simply a brand name.

It's pretty simple as to why it is called the World Series. When the American and National Leagues decided to have the first championship back in 1903(I may be off by a year or two), there were NO other organized leagues in other countries. Baseball may have been played by missionaries or ex-patriots in other countries, but the sport was just being introduced.

As a marketing ploy, the series was dubbed "The World Series" to attract AMERICAN audiences to the event.   The National League had been around for a number of years but the American League was just getting off the ground.   The legendary John McGraw once refused to have his NL champ Giants play against the upstart league.

The name stuck. Now there are a number of countries that have leagues, notably Japan and Korea. I believe there is also a league in Italy and I think the Australian league is still together (although on shaky ground from what I've heard). The Caribbean countries have several winter leagues.   U.S. teams have played "series" against these teams, although these were sanctioned as exhibitions. The disparity between level of play has diminished over the years and I wouldn't be surprised if one day an "International Series" will take place. The name World Series will be forever linked to the championship of Major League baseball in the U.S.    While it may seem strange to other countries, the World Series is as American as apple pie.

I am very happy to see the Angels finally make it to the big dance, but - Go Giants!!!!!
