The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52438   Message #804344
Posted By: catspaw49
16-Oct-02 - 09:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: World Series
Subject: RE: BS: World Series
Funny thing.......For those of us who grew up with baseball in the 50's and 60's, and outside of New York, we now tend to use the phrase "the hated Yankees," and indeed they were for many of us. But for me and most of my friends, ardent Indians fans all, there still wasn't a one of us who couldn't quote the Yankee roster and more to the point, every damn one of us wanted to be "The Mick!" When they passed out numbers in Little League, the one we all sought was #7.......We were too late for DiMaggio, and he wasn't the same kind of guy. Mickey Mantle was the epitome of a baseball player, those massive forearms powering 500 foot home runs......We didn't know much of his personal life, we just knew that if we could, any of us would have played Center Field for the hated Yankees.
