The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52507   Message #805395
Posted By: GUEST,Claymore
17-Oct-02 - 11:27 AM
Thread Name: Harry Belafonte on L.K. show. Amazing!
Subject: RE: Harry Belafonte on L.K. show. Amazing!
Well finally a little logic has lightly dusted this thread.

Belafonte was wrong at virtually every level, dispite the fact that he gained cute points from those so anxious to hear any opposition to the Bush poicies, that they imbue the speaker with the adjectives reasoned, articulate, lucid... which is absolute claptrap.

Forget that the comments about Powell were racist at every level, and try and imagine the outcry if any white person had said them. That wasn't articulation, that was sleeze at its smarmiest.

But lets not leave it there, Belafonte was wrong on his facts. His claim that Powell was bending his knee to his "Massa", was so wrong that it has to be taken as a deliberate lie by Belafonte. In the National and International press, the continuing story has been about how Powell has manuevered Bush into doing the very things that Powell thought needed to be done (going to the UN, renewed focus on the consultation with other nations, reducing the belligerent language to by-stander nations, etc.) In fact the National press has had the Powell influence over Bush as a major story for the past several weeks.

And anyone with the reptilian level of appreciation of American politics, knows that if Powell resigned over any issue with the Bush Administration, Bush has got serious problems. Moreover, any person with the memory of a hampster, will remember that one of the first things that candidate Bush did during the election campaign, was to trumpet his desire to appoint Colin Powell as his SecState, long before he was elected. Now my question to the "Boogaloo" Belafonte crowd is simianly simple, "Who is kneeling at whose table?"

At the point that that qustion is researched and responded to, Mr. Belafonte will rightly be regarded like Mark Twain's famous dog, who when observed to be standing on his hind legs, Twain commented that "It wasen't so much that he did it well, but that he did it at all..."