The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52541   Message #805617
Posted By: Joe Offer
17-Oct-02 - 05:15 PM
Thread Name: Tah Rah Rah Boomdiay (not for kids)
Subject: RE: Tah Rah Rah Boomdiay (not for kids)
Well, we're talking about what to do. It will take a bit of programming to sort things out.

Dick and Susan wouldn't dream of omitting songs from the Digital Tradition because they might be objectionable for kids. However, I think that parents have the right to expect that if their children go to a site designed for kids, the material at the site should be pretty clean. So, I think we more-or-less have an obligation not to give kids direct access to bawdy songs on the Mudcat for Kids Website. One of our most memorable threads from the early days of Mudcat is Naughty Kids' Greatest Hits, but I don't think I'd put a link to it on Mudcat for Kids.

I think it's healthy for kids to learn about "naughty" stuff by coming across it in normal situations. I'd have no objection to having my 13-yr-old stepson use the Digital Tradition - if I could convince him to use it. Heck, last night, I taught him the meaning of the word "asshole."

-Joe Offer-