The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35818   Message #805906
Posted By: Teribus
18-Oct-02 - 04:42 AM
Thread Name: Help: Wearing hats or caps ; Manners?
Subject: RE: Help: Wearing hats or caps ; Manners?
Hi bert,

Your story I heard about a terrific character Frank Trickey, at the time a Leading Seaman, Gunnery Instructor at HMS Ganges. He went on to make Captain RN, and always said it was that story that got him noticed.

Another true navy hat story,

Onboard any Royal Navy Ship the only time you ever wear your hat inside is when you are actually on duty or in a compartment in an official capacity.

The Amphibious Assault Ship, HMS Intrepid, had just entered harbour with troops of the Household Brigade embarked. The Navigating Officer left the bridge and went into the wardroom for a late breakfast.

While finishing off his breakfast, a Guards Officer entered the wardroom wearing his cap. He then proceeded to sit down with his cornflakes still wearing his cap. The Navigating Officer was just finishing his breakfast with a piece of toast, needing the marmalade he asked the Guards Officer to pass it to him. He got no response whatsoever, so thinking the guy might be hard of hearing, he repeated his request.

The Guards Officer very deliberately placed his spoon on his plate and turned and said to the NO, "I don't know who you are, or what your function is onboard this vessel. But I thought it was common knowledge that when an Officer in the Household Brigade wears his hat at a meal, he does not wish to be addressed in conversation."

The Navigating Officer then turns in his chair and plants his steaming boot clad foot right in the Guards Officers cornflakes. The Guards Officer throws down his spoon and yells, "What the hell do you think your playing at!!". To which the Navigating Officer replies, "I don't know who you are, or what your function is within your regiment, but I thought it was common knowledge, that if a Naval Officer puts his foot in your cornflakes it means he wants the fucking marmalade passed".