The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52541   Message #805941
Posted By: Dave Bryant
18-Oct-02 - 06:12 AM
Thread Name: Tah Rah Rah Boomdiay (not for kids)
Subject: RE: Tah Rah Rah Boomdiay (not for kids)
I feel that ta-ra-ra and the other slightly risque songs are likely to be rather tame compared to what most kids sing at achool with their friends. Strangely enough, when I was at primary school (half a century ago), it seemed to be the girls who knew the rude songs - some they sang in giggling little groups in the playground - and some they used as skipping songs. These days they are more likely to be singing parodies of pop songs - there's even been some sick parodies on "The Simpsons".

Most children will always enjoy "naughty" songs and stories, but will hardly admit it to their parents if they think that they will be admonished or punished. A little girl in my class at school was overheard singing a rude song by her mother and promptly told her that she'd learnt it from myself and another boy. In actual fact we'd learnt it from HER - along with some much worse ! Nobody was willing to believe that this innocent young angel would have had more bawdy knowledge than two grubby little boys - so we got the blame.