The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35818   Message #806059
Posted By: InOBU
18-Oct-02 - 09:47 AM
Thread Name: Help: Wearing hats or caps ; Manners?
Subject: RE: Help: Wearing hats or caps ; Manners?
Dear CapriUni:
Right on all counts. When I was a ween, there were still a few Quakes who used Thee and Thou - mostly thee, as a less than gramatical Quaker speak had grown up in three hundred years, droping the pural, ye, for example - though retaining some quaint uses such as thankee. So, thou willst became thee will, and such. But, if you know my two songs from Anna Curtis storries, Anna, used to always use thee around us as little folks, and so some of us use it for making a point to each tother. I, for example, when the Friends School, puts up unfriendly signs, such as "These are OUR mugs, WASH them if you use them!"... out comes my pen and I edited it to, "wash them is thee uses them" adding a thank'ee or thank ye. But, there we are. I lapsed into plain speach a few weeks ago, when a gaggle of young Teens were bussed into my neighborhood by the Billy Graham ministeries to pass out literature about remembering 9/11. Without thinking, I found my self saying, "Thee may consider that thy friend Billy was a great supporter of the Viet Nam war, and it is the culture of war that leads to this present moment. I think thee may ask thyself if in fact, Jesus supports war at all?"
Cheers Larry ,
So as not keep this on the point of the thread, I was wearing my collarless jacket and waistcoat, collarless shirt and ... my broad black hat which I did not doff to the young ladies.